Friday 29 June 2012

Baking Sites

I truly do love to cook (and yes it does help having to chefs for parents!!) And I've found tones and tones of fantastic baking recipies and tips where? ONLINE!!! Here's some of my fave baking sites that I'd <3 2 share with you all:


Peanut Butter and Jelly Marshmallows

From peanut and jelly marshmallows to
world famous cake pops,this site has
it all.....especially if you have a love
for cake and anything sweet!!

Cookie Madness:

Monster Cookies

Perfect for all you cookie lovers out there
you'll find nearly every cookie recipie
in the world on this magical 
site,perfect for rainy days
of browsing the internet!!!!!

Cupcake Project:

This truly is a wonderful site.....
You'll find anything 'cupcake' on this site!
There's guides to icing,decorating and best of all
how to actually make the legendary vanilla cupcake!!


Favorite Brunch Recipes

I think you can tell by the picture just how gorgeous this
site truly is!!!! If you wanna browse you can browse
but on this site you can just type in the ingrediants
you have and it'll instantly show you what you can make using
the ingrediants!!

Peace,love and here's the link for how to make a 
deliciously wacky tye-dyed cake! 

Stick a toothpick into the middle of the cakes to make sure it is done baking.

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I totally adore comments and would love to hear from ya!! I try to reply to them all and check out your blog's so please leave your link but none of that please follow me stuff please!