Saturday 14 July 2012

Online Shopping


Online shoppings not my favourite way to shop because:

A) It doesn't give you the true satisfaction.

B) There's the complication of getting the right sizes and other complicated
stuff especially if u r buying clothes

C) It might be more expensive because of shipping.

Online Shopping is one of my fave ways to shop because.....

A) They occasionly have sales/deals that you 
can only imagine!!

B) A great range.

C) More colour and size choices.

So I guess it all just depends who you are to determine wether online shopping is good or not. And if you do hate it then one day there will come a time
where you truly have to go online shopping so here's a few of my fave sites to Shop Online:


This truly is an awesome site!
They have so much cheap fashionable stuff on here
and definately got filed in my bookmarks after I
discovered they had free shipping!! Plus they
have a special sale page with 'out of this world'
prices,yes,yes I did just say that.


This shop is two words: The.Bomb.
Yes,I am telling the truth! This is a magical
fairyland where arty/creative people sell all their fantastic products,anyone can sell stuff from there if they want to,but why sell when you can buy?!?!?! Plus you'll find a gift for anyone on there!


This seriously is the best site in the world
I <3 stationary,but it's a common known fact
that I do get rather fussy over it,what colour
it is,what size it is and most importantly 
what price it it!!!
This site however does all of these things wonderfully
and is something that if I ever got the chance
(hint,hint) would recommend to a member of the 
royal family!

ONLINE SHOPS??!!??!!??!!??!!??!

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