Tuesday 24 July 2012

Strange,wacky,weirs,random and down right crazy Laws.

Here's some of the strangest laws in the world...need I say more?

BANGLADESH:Kids as young as 15 can be jailed
for cheating in their exams.

RUSSIA:Anyone not willing to work a 16-hour day can be arrested!

SAUDI ARABIA:Women are not allowed to drive cars.
Double GRRRR!!!!

GREECE:It's illegal to dance naked.

GREECE(ATHENS):A drivers licence can be taken away if you're unbathed or poorly dressed.

USA(ALABAMA):Operating a vehcile whilst blindfolded is illegal

USA(MIAMI):It's forbidden to imitate an animal

SWITZERLAND:It's illegal to flush the toilet after 10pm

SINGAPORE:If you're caught littering 3 times,your punishment is to clean the streets whilst wearing a bib saying "I litter"
This is my fave!

THAILAND:It's illegal to leave the house without wearing underwear!

Google Image Result for http://maggiemcneill.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/do-not-read-this-sign.jpg

Peace,love and got this article from an old magazine
but in my own words.

1 comment:

  1. (i love learning random facts like these, lol)
    my favorite is the singapore one too--haha!
    that would totally teach them.

    erica | sweets + hearts


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