Sunday 5 August 2012


Yip they're creepy,man eating and vicious (and did I mention those biiiig teeth?!?!?!) But they,just like us are living,breathing creatures...sadly at the moment there are 40 species threatened by extinction.Yikes. How would YOU feel if you were threatened by extinction? 
Hmmm.....not very good huh? 
I though so.
So here are some ways to save the little wittle sharky
warkys (that yes,still scare the bejeezus out out moi)

  • When having fish in chips never purchase 'flake' which is just another name for 'shark'
  • Don't buy products containing shark-derived stuff such as tooth jewelry.
  • Write to goverment representatives and ministers (visit to voice your concerns.
  • Sign petitions against shark nets (visit
  • Join or donate to conservation groups who are fighting for the darling sharks
  • Learn more about it and let your friends know about this upcoming issue.
Peace,love and check out websites like



Around my Little World

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