Wednesday 5 September 2012

5 Ways 2 Give Your Body A BIG Bear Hug

1.Say thank-you...alot!
Be grateful for everything you have.

Always Remember Who You Are

2.Eat an apple a day!
Apples are  not only scrummy fruits,
they're also high in antioxidants
and are one of the most commonly 
eaten fruits!


3.Keep a Journal!
As a wise friend once told me,
you don't have to write in a journal
each day,just when maybe something exciting
happened or you need to vent about something.

Twitter / Galerij - #lovefeeling

4.ALWAYS eat breakfast!
Breakfast is my fave meal of the day
A} It's great for you
B} It's delicious!!!
Eggs,fruit and yoghurt,porridge,
a hot drink,bacon and blue berry muffins
MMMMMM I <3 brekkie!

imgfave - amazing and inspiring images

5.Join A Team!
A study has shown that teens
who are part of a sports team or 
club are more satisfied with their lives!

† We are endless

Peace,love and actually giving your body a hug
will certainly help as well!!

hugs | Tumblr

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chloe! It's your Mom's friend, Cody, from Santa Barbara. I just love your blog. Makes me feel all warm inside. Thank you! Much love, cody <3


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