Sunday 2 September 2012

Ice Cream Bomb

Ya gotta admit the name DOES sound pretty damn gorge!!!!
Here's how 2 make this delicious happy bomb!!!!

You Shall Hereby Need:

2 liters vanilla ice-cream
2 liters chocolate ice-cream
1-400ml can pitted cherries
Ice cream chocolate sauce to decorate (optional)

You Shall Hereby Do:

1. Line a glass or metal bowl with plastic food wrap, make sure to have plenty of overhang. This will help you remove the finished icecream bomb from the mold.

2. Let the chocolate icecream melt just enough to become workable with a spoon, then transfer it to the bowl, covering all the sides and leaving a large empty space in the middle. Basically you're trying to make a chocolate bowl inside your bowl! Refrigerate for 1 hour making sure from time to time that the icecream is sticking to the borders. If the icecream bowl collapses restore it with the back of a teaspoon.

3. When frozen fill with half the vanilla icecream once again covering only the sides. Leave a small space in the centre. Refrigerate for 1 more hour.

4. Drain the cherries and discard the juice (or use for something else super scrummy!) Mix the remaining ice cream with the cherries until it becomes pink (YAH!) fill the remaining hole of the icecream bomb. Level with a spoon and refrigerate for 2 hours. Before serving tip the bowl onto a serving plate and release the bomb! Remove the chocolate wrapping and pop on some choco sauce!

Peace,love and I got this recipe from the awesome book:
Party Food For Girls $29.99 



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