Friday 14 September 2012

Look How Far it's come!

I reckon I've done a pretty good job with this blog,
and honestly I'm pretty, damn proud of it!!
Looking back at what my blog used to be like I reckon I've done pretty well!

I even remember my very first post (feel free to laugh,I was a beginner at the time!)      

The Downsides
Of Happiness:
Happiness sometimes lets you down like after a great, epic day, you get home, your tired and grumpy and you want to lie down in your bed bawling (WHICH IS COMPLETELY NORMAL) So while you are bawling here are some tips to Cheer you up:

1. think about all the good things in your day and all of the positives in your life.

2. Get out some magazines (I recommend 'girlfriend' magazine, which is full of positive pages of joy!)

3. Put on some music (positive muse, like Taylor Swift not rappers and stuff)

4. Ask your parents to give you 5 min in peace (before they ask you to do your chores and you scream at them to leave you alone)

5. Get your pet up on the bed and cuddle it (either that or a teddy)

6. search the web for fun stuff, go on your fave authors website, go on YouTube and look at some random videos, look up a random slang word (you will be surprised what it means) 

7. Get up and COOK (or play some cooking games online)

8. If all of the above doesn't work then just have a nap, maybe your just tired.

Peace,love and I <3 2 blog.

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