Monday 10 September 2012

Suri's Burn Book

This website is the best website of all websites.
It's about all the people/celebreties that disappoint Suri Cruise (Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes 6 (I'm just guessing the age here!) year old daughter) 

But enough of that, 
the main thing is that she's absolutely hilarious.
She nearly made me wet myself with laughter.
Yes, seriously.


I’ve been working on my Suri Is Not Impressed face. The eyeroll is my own special touch.

It’s all gone wrong.
This is not what I had in mind when Katie suggested an afternoon in the park and a new pink hat. My feet (and my shoes) are far too delicate for this kind of work.

This whole flying commercial/ “how the other half lives” thing isn’t cute anymore. Even in first class, you have to breathe the same air as the people in steerage.
I have learned how to carry my own bags with style, though. And believe me, it wasn’t easy.

Look at me, becoming Blair Waldorf before your very eyes. (I even have a minion.)
Sure, these are the MOMA steps, and there are cargo shorts and a trashcan a little too close to me for my taste, but I am a New Yorker now and can accept that these things happen.
I feel like I’m growing.

Peace,love and she'd clearly mastered the swag walk already.
What a posh child. (-:

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