Friday, 14 December 2012

Ways to make $ in the holidays

These days if you wanna do something fun, I'm afraid it will usually include money. So here's a simple guide on making money in the holidays:

Step 1. 


If you play an instrument then make the most of your awesome skills and play on the street or by a popular shop (i.e. the super market)Or you could juggle or something. People are most likely to give you money if it's for a charity so give half of your profits to the chosen charity.

Search results for performance artist on imgfave

Step 2.

Pick berries

Find a berry orchard where and get pick'n !!!  It's simple, fun, yummy and is a great way to work on your tan.

nya nya nya | 23kitchens: untitled by thom♥ on Flickr.

georguess -

Step 3.


Yeah it's no surprise that this one would appear on the list, babysitting is actually a great way to make money and embrace your inner child. First impressions count so I'd suggest taking some form of sugar along with you!
CELEBRATE & DECORATE: Babysitting Girls 

Step 3.

Work for happylab!!

OK. There's this shop in Australia called happylab. It's a lolly store. With a science theme. So basically if you worked there you'd get to wear a scientist coat and cute black nerdy glasses all day and pack gorgeous looking lollies into test tubes. Bliss.


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