Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Back 2 School

Stink. School is approaching.

No one exactly LURVES going back to school after a 
long holiday of chilling in the sun, blobbing on the couch and 
shopping but I have the perfect guide to make going back to school fun. 


1. Prep

Preparation is vital so here's a list of 
stuff to before school starts:

1.Cook something scrummy for your lunch.

2. Prepare your outfit.

3.Have a spa day full of facials and pedicures.

4.Get your school bag and books ready.

5.Make a schedule this year for homework, exercise etc.


2. Don't be scared

Some people make a huge deal of going back to school and how 
scary it will be but that depends on your attitude towards it.

If you have positive attitude then positive things will happen to you.


3. Motivate yourself

Make sure this year you really do motivate yourself to get out there
and do stuff cause if you never do it you'll never know!!

So don't just sit around and wait for that homework to do it self!!


4. Resolutions

Right down some resolutions for going back to school.

Do you want to work harder at math or sign up for art club?
Whatever it is DO IT.

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