Saturday 19 May 2012


Autumns one of my favorite seasons,after Summer of course!There's my birthday,playing in the autumn leaves,finally being able to drink hot chocolate without looking like a complete idiot! And of course the beautiful Autumn Colours So I Hereby Dedicate This Post Towards The Beauty Of Autumn!(yes I DO know that this post is a bit late into the year here in NZ)

Fotoblog calmy w

Fun Things 2 Do In Autumn (mainly involving leaves!):

1.Have leaf fights with Friends

2.Make a nest out of the autumn leaves

3.Make cupcakes,but add orange food colouring 2 the batter and arange on a plate of autumn leaves.

4.Make this season memerable and take lot's of pictures of the beautiful Autumn colours

5.Look up something on the internet!

6.Make a pear and almond tart (SOOOOO Autumn!)

7.Wear something umong the shades of orange,yellow and red for 2 whole days!

8.Do some leaf pressing!! SO FUN!(I used 2 do this in Primary School ALL THE TIME!)

9.Using the technique above of leaf pressing make a big scrapbook of all the bautiful autumn colours and leaves.

10.Have a scarecrow making contest with friends!

Peace,love and (even though this has absolutely NOTHING 2 do with Autumn whatsoever!) may I just say...

yeeeeaaahhh! - 24. strona bloga dostępnego pod adresem

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