Friday 18 May 2012

Little Bursts of Happiness:

Performing in Stage challenge.My brand new polka dot skinny jeans!.Watching Once Upon A Time and Pretty little Liars.Making pear and almond tart (MMMMMM) Spending hours in apple stores and playing around with the ipads! Spending all my $ on other people=Good karma and smiles coming my way!Skyping my family and friends.GARDENING!!!!Making smoothies!Going to the local market and grabbing loads of great deals.Shopping in nood!-I <3 their quirky gadgets and furniture!


(1) Wall Photos

uma foto pode causar sorrisos, ou você pode fazer lágrimas.

iτs gℓαмσrσυs

awesome, cute, effiel tower, keep calm, paris - inspiring picture on

Galerie photos :: Cute-pictures

Peace,love and I <3 Keep Calm And Carry On!!

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