Monday 30 July 2012

6 Ways 2 Feel Perky!

1.Wake up and smell the grass,literally
researchers have found that a chemical released by
freshly mown grass works directly 2 the brain
2 make you cheerful!

2.Make a list.Don't have the patient to
write a diary?
Write a list of maybe,50 things that make you smile
or perhaps your 10 fave fruits!!

3.Put a few drops of citrusy essentials oil onto a flannel.
Place at the bottom of the shower,hop in and relax as
the beautiful scents help wake you up and make you 
nice and perky!

4.Splash your face with water to wake you up.

5.Go for a nice stroll around your neighbourhood in the morning,
for extra karma points take a plastic bag and pick
up rubbish!


Wonderful Words / time begins and stops now

Peace,love and I reckon the
last ones the most important!

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