Sunday 1 July 2012

A Word Of Advice:

People  of the world: DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER.........

Climb a tree when you are clearly a stupid girl!! klutz and uncoordinated 12 year old! Because (just so we're clear) 
Which I did,immediately checking I hadn't landed in the neighbouring stinging nettle (I hadn't)
followed by of course instantly crying my heart out to the world.
The worst part is I'd pulled a muscle in my leg and had to walk a kilomiter back to where my Mother works-this was EXCRUCIATING!!
And when I fiiiinally got back to my Mother, she was so busy she didn't see my tears and rushed right past me nearly knocking me over in the process shouting out "Hi Darling!" behind her shoulder. GRRRRRRR!!!!!! 
She eventually saw me and took me home to a hot bath and 4 pain killers.

Anyway I did not just type this all up to get some sympathy, I typed this all up to let you know what this accident showed me. It showed me to appreciate my life more. I try, yes I really do  to appreciate the things I love: My family/friends/pets/cheesecake/blogging/my room/oreos/bubble baths/sushi.
But I think we all need to start appreciating how we're actually able to get up out of bed in the morning and be active,bouncy and energetic......People with disorders or people who are in wheel chairs etc can still do this but in a way that isn't familiar or as pleasent as our perfect lives. Which I think really sucks.
So I ask you guys to do something right now towards this whether it's a $5 donation to the starship foundation or starting up a conversation with a person in a wheelchair whatever it is do it now, the world needs more love and we all know how to give it.





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1 comment:

  1. I love that saying from winnie the pooh


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