Thursday 2 August 2012


Yeah,yeah,yeah I KNOW that it's not Summer....but I like 2 think that is,which is sometimes kinda hard 2 do when it's thundering down's your guide on how to pretend your on a tropical paradise...but first here's some pictures for inspiration!
(perhaps you could make one of them your desktop picture,perfect 4 a rainy day!!)

beach bella

BarbieSexy ∞




She will be loved

Wall Photos






NEXT here's some ways to pretend the temperatures 25 degrees,sunny and your relaxing by the ocean!

  • (5 second holiday) Imagine your lying on the beach in Figi...'sigh'
  • Go down to the beach....who cares if it's raining?
  • wear all your Summer clothes to town.....minus your rain coat!!
  • Wear sunscreen....the smell reminds me of Summer...
  • Arrange a Winter beach bash with your friends...and DON't CANCEL IF IT'S WET!!
  • Try and make the most of the wet weather and write a list of all the good stuff about Winter. (i.e. hot chocolates!)
Peace,love and ENJOY!!!

1 comment:

  1. i prefer the rainy weather (probably because we rarely get it out here). well, it's summer over here, and it definitely doesn't look as pretty as your photos lol. i wish i lived near the beach. ^_^

    erica | sweets + hearts


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