Thursday 9 August 2012

Writing A Journal

Writing a Journal (for me) was at first hopelessly frustrating!!
I just couldn't be bothered...but after I gave it a couple of weeks and swore not to give up I did it!!
I got into the routine of writing a journal!!
Here's some inspiration from T Swift for those people who jsut can't find the time:

"I actually started writing in a journal when I was 13. I have like 25 of them now because I would write every single day! It's crazy to go back and read them and think about all these things were so out of reach. I made this goals sheet when I was like 14,15 and it was like "My life will be complete if....I win a CMA (country music association) award,have a big platinum record,a number one song." One of the goals was to be on the cover of a magazine, so as I'm checking these things off the list I'm like;
"You've got to be kidding me!!"

Peace,love and look at T Swift now!!!

Drop Everything Now...

Drop Everything Now...

Drop Everything Now...

1 comment:

  1. I lurve writing's rewarding,relaxing,calming and such a great way to finish the day!!


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